E-file Manager Menus

The E-file Manager contains the following menus:

E-file Menu

Menu Item



Transmit Marked E-files

Begins transmission of marked e-files to the ATX e-file servers.


Receive Acknowledgements

Connects to ATX to update acknowledgements and bank status information.


Hold Marked E-files

Prevents the marked (checked) e-file(s) in E-file Manager from being transmitted.


Release Marked E-files

Releases the hold on the marked (checked) e-files done through the Holding/Releasing State E-files function.


Display Selected E-file Rejection Errors

Opens the E-file Rejection Errors pane at the bottom of the form, which displays rejection errors for a single return or multiple marked returns.

If a return is changed after the e-file was created, it must be re-created before transmitting.


Display Selected E-file Action Required

Displays the specific actions required by specific states for an e-filed return, if any have been indicated by the relevant agency. Enabled when you have selected an e-filed return in E-file Manager or when you have an e-filed return open. The pane that is used to display e-file error messages is also used for displaying e-file actions.


Delete Selected E-files

Deletes the single e-file selected in the list, if it qualifies for deletion. Deleting an e-file does not delete the tax return.


Delete Marked E-files

Deletes all e-files that are marked, if they quality. Deleting e-files does not delete the tax returns.


Display Selected E-file Acknowledgement History

Displays the history for selected return. You can view details and print the history.


Display Marked E-file Acknowledgement Histories

Displays histories for marked returns.


Open Related Return

Opens the return that is associated with the e-file.



Closes ATX program.


Options Menu

Menu Item



Opens Preferences which allows you to set up preferences for the program.

Reset Current Tab

If a user has rearranged the column order or width on the current tab, this menu item will reset the view to the original program defaults.

Tools Menu

Menu Item



Enrollment Manger

Opens the Enrollment Manager, which allow the Admin users to manage and view bank enrollments.


Security Manager

Opens the Security Manager, which allows an Admin user to set up multiple users in the system. Also allows you to specify the tasks that users may or may not perform in the system.



Opens the Calculator.


View Menu

Menu Items



Mark All Displayed E-files

Selects the check box of all e-files shown on the current page, indicating that the checked e-files are ready for batch processing.


Unmark All E-files

Deselects all e-files shown on the current page.


Mark/Unmark Selected

Selects or deselects the check box for the selected (highlighted) e-file.


Refresh E-file List

Refreshes the list of returns in E-file Manager.



Menu Item


Print Marked Client List

Print a list of marked clients' pertinent information.

Export Marked Client List

Export a list of marked clients' pertinent information.

Support Menu

See Support Menu under the Return Manager Menus topic.


See Also:

E-file Manager

E-file Manager Filters